Thursday, August 19, 2021

Vent Post: Gig Drivers (UberEats, Uber X, Lyft, DoorDash and GrubHub) YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM: STOP IT!!!!!

 I frequently browse the internet (Sites like Reddit for example), Twitter and YouTube to keep up to tabs on the gig economy and I am perplexed at what I'm seeing from some drivers.  A lot of drivers are acting like spoiled little brats who cry when they don't get their way.  It's annoying!

These same drivers (Who probably don't work a W-2 job because of poor work ethic) are the ones declining 65% or more orders that come to them and complain how they're not meeting their own personal payout standards.  Like I mentioned in a previous post.  The $1-$2 per mile standard needs TO GO.  For a lot of practical reasons.  Enough about that.

I see posts where drivers are making late deliveries, badgering customers about leaving poor or no tips and priding themselves at not following customer instructions when it comes to drop offs.  And they are wondering why pay remains so low and why they risk getting deplatformed??? Really??

First and foremost as a 1099 contractor you have to answer to someone ok.  Yes, you are you're own boss, but at the end of the day you're also working for someone.  This isn't the stock market or an investment club.  At the end of the day, when it comes to food delivery you're working for the CUSTOMERS. Not the app platforms and not the restaurants.  You're money is coming from the customers.  If it weren't for the customers, you wouldn't have these types of gigs.  

Also, when it comes to the restaurants, as a driver, I totally get the frustration at long wait times and other types of shenanigans they try to pull with drivers.  On the other hand, there's absolutely NO NEED to disrespect restaurant workers.  You always have the option to unassign and if you know you're area well, you know which restaurants to avoid.  These restaurant workers DO NOT WORK FOR DRIVERS.  It's not their job to give you what you require on demand ok.  Like you, they are also working for your customers, so any beef that comes from slow wait times is between them and the customers. NOT YOU.  Also, some drivers are so rude when picking up orders I've read stories where restaurants literally complain and ban them!  

My fellow drivers this needs to stop.  What incentive does DoorDash, UberEats or GrubHub have to throw us a bone if we act like this?  It's unprofessional.  YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM SO STOP! JUST STOP IT!!!

Nobody is forcing you to work these gigs. GOT IT!  If you are unhappy with this line of work then do something else.  Just because you are you're own boss when it comes to gig work, does not give you carte blanche over everyone else.  There are moral and ethical standards you need to go by.

When it comes to rideshare. I personally limit my interaction with my passengers.  Sure, I'm friendly and try to make them feel as comfortable as possible when they're in my vehicle, but I don't do what a lot of drivers do and that's interact with them at a level that's overreaching.  In fact, I would rather prefer a silent ride over a conversation filled ride, because it's easy to inadvertently come across as being inappropriate to the passenger the longer you engage with them.  Especially in today's world, where everyone is offended by everything and everyone seems to be on edge. The more you engage with a passenger the greater the chances you open yourself up to a heated conversation turning into an argument or turning them off by something you said or did thus resulting in no tip or low ratings.  You're better off just picking them up and dropping them off.

I urge all drivers, whether your doing food delivery or rideshare to conduct yourself professionally.  There's no excuse for a dirty car, poor hygiene and bad driver etiquette.  None.  If you're having a bad day don't take it out on the passengers.  Sure, you might get drunk ones, obnoxious ones, smelly ones etc..but suck it up buttercup.  Bite your bottom lip and if worse comes to worse you can either decline a ride on site or (In a worse case scenario) kick them out of your car if you feel the ride is unsafe for you.

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